How we met:

 We met in High school when Lance was in grade 12. After spending some time together over a couple of months, we started dating on
June 3rd 2006, and have been inseparable since.  Two years later to the day, Lance asked me to marry him (and obviously i said yes).  We now live together and are in the process of taking over Lori and Dave's farm.


Lance was born in Bonnyville, Alberta on April 7, 1988 to Lori and David Blake. He and his brother, Dustin were raised at they're home in Beaverdam, Alberta.  He went to Elementary School at Ardmore school, and High School at Bonnyville Centralized High School. After High School instead of going to college, he decided to purchase cows off of his Dad, and work in the summers as a landscaper.

Caitlyn Morency

Caitlyn was born in Ottawa, Ontario on September 13, 1989. She grew up in Golden, BC with her parents, Trena and Steve Morency, with her sisters Robin (Coombs) and Kellie (Murphy) and brother, Jim Morency. Caitlyn moved with her parents up to Bonnyville in 2001, where she went to Bonnyville Centralized High School.  She now works as a receptionist at Dr. McGhie's office in Bonnyville.

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